About me

Ward Slager (1996, NL) is a sound artist, creative system designer and electronic musician.

With a strong interest in algorithmic music, sound and bringing this into the physical domain he works on a variety of instruments, installations and other works. Within his practice he writes his own software, designs custom electronic circuits and constructs whatever needed to achieve said works.

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Selected performances
HKU Exposure / EKKO Algorithmic beats with the PolyPulse 2023
E-Live: 25 years PolyPulse for eight speakers and 6 seconds of reverberation 2023
Muziekgebouw: Future SoundLAB Improvised live performance using the PolyPulse (with Hans Leeuw) 2022
E-Live Pandora's Box 2020
Various venues Kijk mam! (live music for a play by Ieke van Dam) 2020
STEIM Connector XXI Springlevend 2019
HKU / EKKO / Uncloud / FIBER / CCU Algorave 2018

Selected exhibitions
Dutch Modular Fest 2023 Lambda Synthetics PolyPulse 2023
Superbooth 2023 Lambda Synthetics PolyPulse 2023
Prague Quadrennial 2019 t r e e s t a r t i m e 2019
2 Turven Hoog Buizerd 2019

International Computer Music Conference 2021 PRP Voyager: an instrument employing complex mapping to generate complex music (with Fedde ten Berge) 2021
NIME 2021 Designing and performing with Pandora’s Box: transforming feedback physically and with algorithms 2021

HKU Music & Technology Lecturer: creative system design, embedded software, PCB design 2023–now
Lambda Synthetics Founder: developing the PolyPulse 2023–now
DATO Musical Instruments Production/assembly of musical instruments 2021–now
HKU Music & Technology Teaching assistant: embedded software, electronics, PCB design 2021–2023
HKU Music & Technology Teaching assistant: programming, electronics, algorithmic composition 2017–2020
STEIM STEIM research group: development of creative technologies 2019–2020
STEIM Internship: building the PRP Voyager with Fedde ten Berge 2018–2019

HKU Music & Technology Master of Music - Music Design 2021–2023
HKU Music & Technology Bachelor of Science (with double honours) 2016–2020

Performing with Pandora's Box